Keith Palace
Financial Planner
Keith Palace is a Financial Planner who is studying for his CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ designation. Keith creates and maintains financial plans for PPWM’s clients in eMoney, a best-in-class financial planning tool. eMoney helps clients organize their financial assets, expenses, liabilities, and enables to them to create short-term and long-term financial goals.
Keith has a Bachelor of Science in Civil / Environmental Engineering from the University of Colorado. After college, Keith organized trade shows for the wireless and technology industry in San Francisco, spent fifteen years in the logistics business, and worked in the wine industry. He moved to Portland in 2017 and married his wife Laurel who is a longtime family friend of Jacob Becker.
Keith enjoys hiking, skiing, camping in the great outdoors, and Keith is a huge fan of live music. He also worked in Bay Area concert venues for almost 15 years.